I used to watch school and workplace massacres (and how sad is it to even have to say that sentence) as a curious "bystander". Typically, I've been somewhat (but honestly, not overwhelmingly) affected by these incidents. Until Jeremy came along.
I've watched the inexplicable Virginia Tech massacre with a completely new eye and a very sad heart. My first thought when I heard about this lunatic was to leave work, pick up Jeremy from Rainbow Montessori, give him a big hug and make sure he never leaves my sight again until he marries. And then I thought - what's going to happen at a place with "rainbow" in the title? And then I thought that's what dozens of Amish folks thought in a community that barely interacts with the modern world.
I held my breath when the shooter was identified as Asian. I breathed a sigh of relief when I found out he wasn't Filipino or Chinese. I thought again as to "why does it matter which Asian descent he was"? Apparently, I wasn't the only one with these thoughts. The leader of South Korea has pleaded with our nation to not stereotype this behavior. Is this easy to do? Answer should be quick and simple. Yes it's easy to do, idiot! It's obvious that all of South Korean's aren't mass murderers, stupid!
Been on a plane lately with a Muslim wearing a turbine? I have. The question above is not so easy to answer.
Life seemed so much easier when the only wories were how much trans fat a Chalupa has and did MSU rise in the pre-season poll and A-rod is incredible but why do I still hate him and....and....
Of course, in that life, I don't have a 2 year old boy waiting for me at the end of the day not knowing and not caring what happened this morning. Only caring that dad is here to go home to mom and a loving family all around him. I'll take this life.
The new world of self reflection.
As Monk says, it's a gift.
And a curse.