Friday, November 03, 2006

Good sports year

Coming closer to the end of the year. And for sports fans, the World Series really is the end of the year. No more championships to be decided until next year (at least none that matter). There may be a NASCAR race or tennis thing going on (that's how much I know about that stuff) but who really cares? Stanley Cup, Lombardi trophy, NBA trophy (whatever that's called), 2 NCAA titles and the World Series. That's all there is. And with the Tigers ending both an exciting and disappointing season, it's time to focus back on the Wings and Pistons (forget the Lions and MSU). Let's hope best records in the league (for both of those teams) isn't the ultimate goal. As soon as Jeremy is old enough to be truly interested in sports, I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't let him be a 49ers, Raiders, A's, Giants, Sharks or Warriors fan (I'll let him be a Stanford or Cal fan since he'll be going to an in-state school). I'm going to have to get a dish to get Fox Sports Detroit when that happens I guess. The problems of fatherhood....

DRW Posted by Picasa

Jason Richardson Posted by Picasa